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320. Mastering Your Craft: Melissa Ortiz On Running Toward Big Goals & Translating Her Passion For Sport Into A Broadcasting Career

"Believe in the run" is the name of the game for today’s guest, Melissa Ortiz. She’s a former pro soccer player, Olympian, and current broadcaster and host who’s had her fair share of hurdles getting to this point. We talk about her career journey, the highs and lows of professional soccer, what it was like to get to the Olympic level and how she segued her passion for sport from the field to the big screen. Melissa shares her advice on how to show up day in and day out with confidence and the reward of working diligently to master your craft. 

Melissa also completed her first marathon while in Paris and I am happy to report that not only did she finish, but she had a remarkable time and her Instagram recap is a must see. 


Melissa’s biggest hurdle to date and how she pushed out of her lowest point (5:35)

The power of self talk during difficult moments (8:22)

The transition from professional athletics and graduating from sport (13:20)

Navigating the feelings of feeling like ‘other’ personally and professionally (22:20)

Melissa’s first experience creating content and how that lead to her current career (25:20)

How it feels to be in a position with a unique perspective and being a first generation in her role (30:35)

Melissa’s go-to’s when she’s not feeling at her best but needs to show up (35:28)

A piece of advice for anyone wanting to get into broadcasting and content creation (38:35)

Melissa’s biggest takeaways from her highest hurdles (54:02)