229. Kelsey Plum, WNBA Player

I walked away from my conversation with Kelsey Plum feeling really thankful. That she's here to tell her story, firstly, and also that in doing so she is helping so many people — myself included. For episode 229, Kelsey shares what it was like for her to grow up in a house of athletes, and the way family competition impacted her mindset both on and off the court. She talks to me about what it was like to be one of the best college athletes of her time, and unfortunately the negative impact that had on her. And then, we really get into it, as Kelsey talks about navigating a period of time where she had suicidal thoughts, not wanting to live anymore, going as far as sitting on top of a tall parking structure with her feet dangling over the edge — wondering how her family would feel if she decided to take the leap. 

We also talk about the hard emotions that came with draft day, coming out of the fog of depression, and what her best advice is for anyone who can relate with her story. Plus: Her excitement for life these days playing with the Aces, her morning ritual that helps her see the good in each day, and her exciting new partnerships with GSTQ and Under Armour.


If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, you are not alone. There are resources available to you, including the SAMHSA national hotline, at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Emily Abbate